
Search results

  1. Anthony Dobbels

    and Soil Science – Southern Illinois University (1993) BS Agriculture Science – Western Illinois ...

  2. Understanding Value in Lime

    soil test recommendation as a calcium carbonate equivalent basis and is specific for the crop, soil ... soil test calling for? Are you applying the correct amount of lime? Even with very few liming materials ... 99%. Calculations for Lime No. 5: Fineness Index = 0.2 (95–70) + 0.6 (70 – 50) + 1 (50) = 67 ENP ...

  3. Velasquez-Giraldo visualizes a new plant-based meat alternative at CEMAS

    developing a new high protein plant-based meat analog with increased fat through extrusion, under the advice ... Velasquez-Giraldo is using the technology to promote fibrous structures that improve the quality of high ... -protein alternative products. The high temperatures in cooking section of the extruder, combined with the low ...

  4. Commercial Soil Testing

    When to Collect Soil Samples We recommend conducting a commercial soil test for any new field or ... site and every 3-4 years for existing sites. A standard soil test will provide information on your soil ... sample any time the ground is not frozen. For those who use lime, gypsum, or manure, soil testing at or ...

  5. Biogas Cleaning and Upgrading Technologies

    problems. High concentration of O₂ is explosive. H₂S is corrosive to steel in reactors and engines when ... than 3%, 112 mg/m³ and 4 ppm, respectively [3]. Most bio-CNG practices require purified biogas to have ... ppm, 4 ppm and 1 ppm of CO₂, H₂S and H₂O, respectively, to prevent dry ice formation and corrosion [4]. ...

  6. Webinars

    Dairy Risk Management Webinar Series- Session 3 Dairy Margin Coverage  -  Chris Zoller Access slides ... Protection- Jason Hartschuh Access slides here. November 17, 2020 Dairy Risk Management Webinar Series- Session ... Pricing, Outlook, and Risk Management Webinar Series How did we get to a-$8 PPD?  Mark Stephenson, Director ...

  7. Lockout and Tagout

    and reciprocating and conveying equipment. Test the circuit with a voltage-detecting instrument to ... Leaving keys in the locks. Locking the control circuit and not the main disconnect or switch. Not testing ... of equipment. Make sure to remove keys from the locks. Lock the main switch. Test the controls to ...

  8. Statewide Diabetes Hero Virtual Series- Registration Open Now!

    Youth ages 9-12 with diabetes or at risk for diabetes and their parents/caregivers are invited to ...

  9. Cool-Season Turfgrasses for Sports Fields and Recreational Areas

    requires moist, well-drained soil to develop into a high quality turfgrass. A medium-to-high level of ... soils of medium-to-high fertility.  Diseases that frequently occur on PRG include:  Red Thread ... moderate winter dormancy and stress resistance Mid-Atlantic Medium-high density, deep roots and rhizomes, ...

  10. Lime and the Home Lawn

    between 6.0 and 7.0. The amount of lime required to raise soil pH to this level for a particular soil is ... performing a soil test are strongly discouraged because alkaline (high pH) conditions may develop. When is ... and pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. For turfgrasses used in Ohio home lawns, a soil pH between 6.0 ...
