
Search results

  1. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    considered a statewide risk, though abundance may vary greatly across different habitats. Life Cycle, ... with high leaf-litter coverage, but may also include your own backyard, especially shaded areas of ... Lyme Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— ...

  2. Food Safety in Gardens

    water is recommended. Have your soil tested for nutrients (macro and micro), pH and heavy metals such as ... and for determining the use of soil amendments. The fact sheet “Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, ... Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens” (HYG-1132) provides detailed information on soil tests ...

  3. Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets

    F; Relative Humidity = 60%). Water droplets with 50 micron diameter and smaller are highly ... wind velocity. At low temperature (55 degrees F) and high relative humidity (80%), 50 micron diameter ... 65 4.58 4.57 4.56 4.54 4.50 150 75 4.78 4.78 4.72 4.72 4.66 150 85 4.76 4.73 4.70 4.64 4.58 200 55 ...

  4. Soybean Cyst Nematode

    other soil-borne pathogens. The female index (FI) is the best way to check for the true level of ... Fertility—Maintain optimum fertility based on a soil test. Under high SCN populations, even the most fertile fields ... Soil Cyst Count Population Level Management Strategies 0-40 0 None Detected Continue to monitor field ...

  5. Understanding Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling

    and the microbes and soil organisms habitat are destroyed. In a no-till field, high levels of SOM are ... Bacteria 10 8 –10 9 40–500 Actinomycetes 10 7 –10 8 40–500 Fungi 10 5 –10 6 100–1500 Algae 10 4 –10 5 1–50 ... nutrients. Consider the following three scenarios. Soils typically turnover 1 to 3 percent of their nitrogen ...

  6. Salmonella in Fresh Produce

    signal detected. Purple/blue: low intensity signal; Green/yellow: medium intensity signal; Red: high ... between 60 to 65 degrees Celsius. This technique is very sensitive, however, the level of detection varies ... Further, due to the asymptomatic nature of the interaction between Salmonella and tomato plants and fruits, ...

  7. Drinking Water Regulations

    Medium 3,300–50,000 people Large More than 50,000 people Public water systems are also classified into ... high quality drinking water to homes and businesses is a priority in Ohio and the nation. To accomplish ... certified to operate systems serving more than 250 people. Test drinking water and report results to Ohio ...

  8. Algae for Biofuels

    of the current research and development efforts have focused on microalgae due to their high growth ... oil yield than land oil crops (Table 1). For example, algae with 50% lipid content and a dry biomass ... productivity of 50 g/m²/day can potentially produce 10,000 gallons oil/acre/year (Pienkos, 2007). By ...

  9. Cover Crops in the Garden

    benefits, results will vary depending on soil type and condition. Starting organic matter levels, tillage ... to introduce cover crops into their garden depending on their skill level and desired management ... level. This fact sheet provides basic, fact-based information that is not readily available to home ...

  10. Yellowjackets

    step, as yellowjackets nests may be at ground level, especially in high grassy areas, and around mulched ... loose bark of dead trees, soil cavities, and other protected places. These queens emerge during the warm ... late September. Adults feed primarily on items high in sugars and carbohydrates (fruits, flower nectar, ...
