
Search results

  1. Chlorine

    level (MRDL).  MRDL's are non-enforceable goals based on the possible risk and exposure over ... excess of the MRDL could experience stomach discomfort. 4.00 ppm mg/L ppm Inorganic trace constituent ... MRDL ADVISORY- ACTION IS RECOMMENDED Chlorine levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the ...

  2. Puskas receives Ohio State Accelerator Award for novel technology commercialization

    State University into the marketplace. It provides grants of up to $150,000 to support external ... validation and de-risking activities to demonstrate commercial viability of a technology with the intent to ... performing more of this work prior to a license agreement, we hope to increase the value and level of startup ...

  3. CFAES Spring Game Tailgate 2023 Reminder

    614-292-8740 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or Gray bar, white mastheadCollege of Food, ... ... =... YesCollege of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  4. Belonging and Connection

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  5. Finding Connections on Campus

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  6. GenX (HFPO dimer acid)

    hormones; • Increase cholesterol levels; • Affect the immune system; or • Increase the risk of certain ... ng/L ppt PFAS State Action Level ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED The GenX level detected in your water ... cancers.   Young children, infants, and unborn babies may be at more risk of health effects. Scientists are ...

  7. PFBS (Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid)

    hormones; • Increase cholesterol levels; • Affect the immune system; or • Increase the risk of certain ... ng/L ppt PFAS State Action Level ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED The PFBS level detected in your water ... cancers.   Young children, infants, and unborn babies may be at more risk of health effects. Scientists are ...

  8. PFNA (Perfluorononanoic acid)

    hormones; • Increase cholesterol levels; • Affect the immune system; or • Increase the risk of certain ... ng/L ppt PFAS State Action Level ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED The PFNA level detected in your water ... cancers.   Young children, infants, and unborn babies may be at more risk of health effects. Scientists are ...

  9. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

    GENERAL INFORMATION Well water that effervesces may contain high levels of carbon dioxide in the ... water (carbonated water). Carbonic acid is a weak acid. The primary effects of high levels of carbon ... effect is considered negligible. mg/L ppm Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Dissolved gas ACTION IS OPTIONAL Carbon ...

  10. Our new Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey Summary is out!

    Learn how continued high crop prices, reasonable crop margins and relatively healthy farm balance ...
