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  1. Dean Kress' State of the College Address

    challenges facing the college. She recognized the college’s tremendous growth and evolution over the past 150 ...

  2. Nutrient Losses from Dairy Operations and Their Environmental Issues

    manure P to the field due to an imbalance between N and P concentrations in manure (low N and high P in ... goal of dairy producers is to obtain high milk yields and good profitability. Most producers also want ... nutrient losses and environmental (air, soil, and water) impacts. Among the livestock sector in Ohio, dairy ...

  3. Steps to Speed up Field Curing of Hay Crops

    though, keep in mind that the soil should be firm enough to support equipment. Compaction damage has ... in those short windows of opportunity between rains, and hopefully avoid overly mature stored ... evening. Proper dry matter content for haylage ranges from 30 to 50% (50 to 70% moisture), depending on the ...

  4. Heat and Colostrum, Friend and Foe

    calves were tested for blood IgG levels, the apparent efficiency of absorptions were calculated. Calves ... environmental temperatures, combined with high humidity, can negatively impact colostrum production in first ... absorption rates can approach 50% shortly after birth, they decline rapidly towards zero within the first 24 ...

  5. Commercial Activity Tax Update

    with gross receipts below $150,000, no CAT is due. For businesses with gross receipts between $150 ... of over $150,000 join other commercial businesses subject to a new Ohio tax (and no, it is not a tax ... applies to farmers and other agricultural enterprises, once these entities reach $150,000 in taxable gross ...

  6. Pricing Standing Corn for Silage Harvest

    between $23.50 and $24.50/ton depending on yield, assuming a grain harvest cost of ~$40 per acre.  This is ... concentrations.  If actual DM was 30%, then the value is about $20/ton (i.e., 30/35 = 0.85 x $23.50/ton). Corn ... Conference, Normand St-Pierre reviewed the difference between valuing corn silage using the 7 bushels of corn ...

  7. Gearing Up for Spring Planting

    it to be spread as soon as the field is fit (hopefully you pulled a soil sample last fall, and if ... work tasks that you will need to do when the weather and soils are fit, then prioritize them. Think ... through the tough choices you might have to make between competing activities. Think through contingency ...

  8. FDA Listening Session: Answers to Stakeholder Concerns

    total food sales and soil amendments required further research. Content below, from Cathy McDermott of ... questions about the Biological Soil Amendment (BSA) of Animal Origin proposed requirements.  Specifically, ... the questions involved specific scenarios in which untreated BSA could be used to such that the ...

  9. Summer Coliform Mastitis,

    central Ohio during the first half of May, these daily highs are certainly above average. But, it is not ... the month of May where the temperature-humidity index (THI) exceeds 70, putting our cows under heat ... that accumulates on the blades and screens can easily reduce their efficiency by 50%. If you have ...

  10. Creative Leadership in 4-H—Flatwater Kayaking

    the kayaking competitions? If so, you’ve seen amazing drops, roll overs, and high-speed action as ... begin getting their feel for the various paddle strokes. Skills test [10-15 minutes] Through mini-races ... and skill challenges, test the first four items covered in the On Shore section. After some free ...
