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G. Kaletunc
219 Brandon: Please reserve Room 219 for June 16 between 8:30 and 9:30am. Friday, June 16, 2017- ...
Experience OSU for a Day Hosts & Spring Semester Schedules Needed!
Do you enjoy sharing your passion for Ohio State with others? Would you be willing to show high ... prospective high school students shadow them from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. for 1-2 weekdays each semester. ...
Animal Sciences Recognized at CFAES Celebration of Students
2019. The CFAES Celebration of Students is one of the most highly anticipated events of the academic ...
CFAES Student Celebration
$15 each plus a $50 reservation fee). For more information, please see the attachment. Hope to see you ...
Animal Agriculture Alliance Internship
communication gap between farm and fork. Responsibilities for this position include assisting with social media ...
Common Questions Regarding Coliform Mastitis Vaccines
between injections is too great for animals to adequately respond to the vaccine. Q: Can I treat clinical ... intended to maximize protection during this time of greatest risk. As lactation progresses, risk of ...
Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser
calving between 22 and 24 months of age. If the dairy is not expanding, sales of excess heifers should be ... studying calf anatomy; and 4) Avoiding on-the-job injury. For the people working with calves, it is highly ...
From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser
dairy operation depends on a steady supply of healthy, productive replacement heifers calving between 22 ... tracking growth. For the people working with heifers, it is highly rewarding to work with barns full of ...
2007 Recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service
member of 4-H and Boy Scouts, attaining the rank of Life Scout. He spent his high school and college ... High School in 1957. During those 9 years as a milk tester, he met a girl on a Holstein farm named ... participated in the All-American Jersey Show for 12 years, with highlights including several Genetic Index ...
Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows
requirements are met. Many state and national shows have specific health tests that each animal must pass. ... cause discomfort for the cow, increases the risk of mastitis, and displays a poor image for the public ... of high quality products should be the number one priority, regardless of whether you are taking care ...