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the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...
Tractor Accident Can Happen to Anyone
to elucidate the etiology of occupational injuries and possibly help identify high-risk populations. ... and generally mountainous terrain increased the risk of rollovers and the subsequent fatal injuries to ... risks associated with tractor rollovers and the effectiveness of ROPS and seat belts in reducing ...
Protecting Your Hands this Spring
provide high levels of puncture resistance. Grip or dexterity- Is a secure grip vital to the ... hand protection. Special coatings on gloves can provide the desired dexterity and a certain level of ...
Planning for the Future of Your Farm: A Farm Succession Workshop
required and is limited to 50 persons. The registration fee is $35 per person or $50 per family. This fee ...
The Bourbon Barrel Connection: Revitalizing Appalachian Ohio economies and oak-dominated forests
2005. Prior to joining the Division, Cotton worked as a technician for Franklin Soil & Water ...
Urban Air Quality: A Global Health Crisis Panel Discussion
reusable beverage container Air Quality is quickly becoming a global health crisis, especially in highly ...
Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs
workforce age, competency level and certain regulation practices. We look forward to scheduling in your area ... and Agritourism Operation ATVs and UTVs – training program for all ages and skill level Electrical ...
Meet Forrest Lang: Pushing Personal Boundaries to a Distinguished Level of Service
Distinguished Senior Award recipient. This college-level award recognizes the top 25 students in CFAES for their ...
Climate Action: Our Local Response to a Global Challenge
Director for the Rock Downtown Partnership, between 2000 and 2002, Jim was responsible for the management ...
Is Your Summer Event Welcoming and Accessible to People with Disabilities?
mobility device to get out of the vehicle freely. Accessible parking spaces should be on level ground, and ... high. If you use turnstiles, there must also be a gate, or accessible entrance to bypass the turnstile. ... a maximum of 36” high, with clear floor space under the counter to allow a person in a wheelchair to pull up ...