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Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World
When he was young, construction work was just a mere thought in his mind. It was not until high school ...
American Council on Education Women's Network-Ohio Conference Evening Reception
for reservations is October 1, 2015 Registration Cost: $125 ($50 for graduate students) – includes ...
OSU Offers 2015 Farmland Leasing Workshops
landowners and tenants to help them reduce both their financial and legal risks with farmland leasing. “When ... reduce legal and financial risks.” Topics to be covered during the workshop include: * Factors affecting ...
Sustainability and Resilience Links
information/access to technologies that improve lives; low-tech/high-tech projects addressing housing, economics, ...
Gates Millennium-HSF Bridge Builders Forum
9 a.m.- 4 p.m. (Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.) The Ohio State University Ohio Union (1739 N. High ... interactive event designed to provide Ohio’s underrepresented youth the tools and motivation to complete high ... 8:30) Ohio Union (1739 N. High St. | Columbus OH 43210) Únase al foro de Gates Millennium Scholars ...
B. Barrick
202 Subject: Can I have Room 202 tomorrow (Friday) from 11:30- 12:30?? Importance: High Just let ...
Hall Addresses 2015 State Food Policy Summit
Ohio together to foster awareness of food policy activities and possibilities at the state level. For ...
Quality Assurance Test Out
You must RSVP to Kevin Harris by Thursday, January 23, 2020 at or 513-887-6650. The Make-Up date in case of inclement weather will be Monday, February 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm. ...
G. Kaletunc
Between 6-8 pm. Jan 12, 25, 26 Feb 8, 9, 22, 23 March 8, 9, 29, 30 April 12, 13 Repeats every month on ...
Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!
and test their tractors; and- Develop time management and multi-tasking skills as they balance their ...