
Search results

  1. Gathering Graphene

    the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help ...

  2. Magnetic Cells

    challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help make the design ...

  3. PetPALS Cat Behaviors

    out to the sides May purr Eyes open, pupils not dilated Ears straight up and relaxed Tail high and ... Tail tucked between legs May lie on back with belly up Fearful Posture Whiskers flattened back against ...

  4. Another example of 4-H and its impact on the success of Ohio youth!

    between Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the Five Rivers MetroPark in Dayton, was more than a summer ...

  5. Farm Management Seminar Series

    the workshop series is $50 and includes the program, handouts and a light supper provided each ...

  6. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence

    education. Funding for this project was provided by the North Central Risk Management Education Center, the ...

  7. Dining with Diabetes

    three-modules with: Videos Interactive presentation Fact sheets and resources Short surveys to test knowledge An ...

  8. New Tool Offers Growers Easy Option to Measure Soil Organic Matter Content

    Environmental Sciences have developed a new tool that allows farmers to easily predict soil organic matter ...

  9. Farm Machinery Roadway Laws

    law states that vehicles are not allowed to exceed 102 inches in width, 50 feet in length, or thirteen ...

  10. Time to Scout for Stink Bugs in Soybeans

    Prevent seed damage by scouting and applying rescue treatment at appropriate threshold levels. Several ...
