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the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...
Is Your Summer Event Welcoming and Accessible to People with Disabilities?
mobility device to get out of the vehicle freely. Accessible parking spaces should be on level ground, and ... high. If you use turnstiles, there must also be a gate, or accessible entrance to bypass the turnstile. ... a maximum of 36” high, with clear floor space under the counter to allow a person in a wheelchair to pull up ...
Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs
workforce age, competency level and certain regulation practices. We look forward to scheduling in your area ... and Agritourism Operation ATVs and UTVs – training program for all ages and skill level Electrical ...
Managing Water Resources – Local, Global (Joint Environmental Professionals Network and Water Management Association of Ohio Meeting)
In the face of water crises– aging infrastructure, water scarcity, droughts, flooding, sea level ...
General Pest Control- New Applicator Training (Category 10A)
Control Category 10a test that includes: ants cockroaches bed bugs rodents other structural pests Please ... a photo ID for the test. License and Study Materials The New Applicator Pesticide Training course is ... designed to help you prepare for the Commercial Pesticide Applicator test. To become licensed, you must ...
Urban Air Quality: A Global Health Crisis Panel Discussion
reusable beverage container Air Quality is quickly becoming a global health crisis, especially in highly ...
Weather Safety Awareness
Week, March 18-24 Statewide Tornado Drill, Wednesday, March 21 at 9:50 am For more information: ...
AgrAbility in Action: Working in Cold Weather
boots can restrict the blood flow to the feet and increase the risk of a cold injury. Take short ...
Safe Combine Operation
conditions.- Reduce the risk of falls by ensuring access ladders, steps, or standing platforms are clean and ... clean straw and chaff deposits from the engine compartment and around belts or pulleys to reduce risk of ... routes between fields, and take into account overhead and roadway width clearances. - Pre-plan road ...
Meet Forrest Lang: Pushing Personal Boundaries to a Distinguished Level of Service
Distinguished Senior Award recipient. This college-level award recognizes the top 25 students in CFAES for their ...