
Search results

  1. CFAES Alumni Awards Announced, 50th Ceremony on March 4

    The 2021 CFAES Alumni Awards Ceremony will be held virtually on March 4 at 7pm. The 2021 honorees include Bobby Moser, faculty emeritus and former dean of CFAES; Susan Crowell, former editor of Farm and Dairy; and Senator Bob Peterson – all who have been ...

  2. John Fulton

    to more accurately place and meet site-specific crop and soil needs. Google ...

  3. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    Corporate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer at Cargill, Inc.; Dr. Kala Fleming, Water, Agriculture and ... who is studying soil science under Dr. Rattan Lal, Professor in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  4. CFAES Awarded Distinguished U.S. Department of Agriculture Borlaug Fellowships

    in high fiber diets on the gut health, nutrient utilization, and body weight gains of broilers” Rafiq ... soil fertility management for smallholder farmers”. The three international researchers will be ...

  5. HACCP and FSMA Training: April 9- 13

    a Food Safety Plan to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods ...

  6. Turf Club Golf Outing

    man scramble with a 1:00 PM shotgun start. The cost is $50 a person. Hole sponsorships are available ... for $50 per hole. There are door prizes, a 50/50 raffle, plenty of food and the Skins game. Come enjoy ...

  7. General Pest Control- New Applicator Training (Category 10A)

    Control Category 10a test that includes: ants cockroaches bed bugs rodents other structural pests Please ... a photo ID for the test.   License and Study Materials The New Applicator Pesticide Training course is ... designed to help you prepare for the Commercial Pesticide Applicator test. To become licensed, you must ...

  8. Premier 4-H Member Award

    in each area for participation at the club level and beyond for the current 4-H year (January 1 to ... December 31). What are the levels of recognition?   Members may achieve Gold, Silver, or Bronze based on ...


    the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...

  10. AWARES

    the AWARES LC meetings? We will need the rooms between 6pm and 8pm on the following dates: Jan 22, 23, ...
