
Search results

  1. Bexley Community Garden Walk – North Garden

    directions, gardens are behind the school.) COST: Free TOPICS Integrated Pest Management Crop Rotation Soil ...

  2. Kazak scholar visiting South Centers

    test kit, carbon sequestration modeling, and soil health computations using different approaches. It is ... Processes and Industrial Ecology, Satpayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, has joined the Soil, Water and ... remediation, environment and soil quality, soil analysis, and soil and environment monitoring.  During his stay ...

  3. 4-H Project Green Teacher

    topics to be covered include site selection, sustainability, soil testing, a history of plant-based ... mulching, composting and amending; integrated pest management, soil testing, growing vegetables, volunteer ...

  4. Strawberries

    system, but new cultivar testing  (including day-neutral and everbearing cultivars), new season extension ... and overall plant growth. (2) Testing of new strawberry cultivars, including day-neutral and ... Testing of day-neutral and everbearing summer and fall fruiting season extension growing techniques will ...

  5. Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC)

    camaraderie between the various campuses, departments, and research groups in the college. GSAC reserves one ...

  6. School Gardens of Ohio Tour of Sanctuary Garden

    School Gardens of Ohio invite you to tour the Sanctuary Garden located at Newark High School. The ... our own selves. They focus on soil regeneration, the use of compost in the garden, and the creation of ...

  7. STEAM students enjoy a day at South Centers

    projects including long cane raspberry production, tabletop-grown and high tunnel strawberries, hops, and ...

  8. $2M grant awards to fund two meaningful aquaculture projects

    national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to the efforts of their aquaculture ...

  9. Community Development

    offer county-level services, you can learn more about all OSU Extension community development programs ...

  10. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    9 – Developing a Butterfly Garden August 6 – Creating a Food Forest in Your Backyard September 17 – Soil Testing ...
