
Search results

  1. Office of Research Shares Significant Changes

    The Office of Research has made changes to its processes that will impact CFAES proposal submissions, EPA-005s, and award acceptance. On July 15, 2024, new deadlines and requirements were put into effect. ...

  2. Advanced CIP

    This two-day short-course will bring together highly recognized CIP experts including plant ... received before October 8 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be ...

  3. Crop, Soil, and Water Field Night — July 25

    OSU Piketon will host a Crop, Soil, and Water Field Night on July 25. Piketon’s Soil, Water, and ... Bioenergy Program and the Pike County Soil and Water Conservation District are hosting the event. ... Educational programming during the field night will focus on drone use, new fertilization programs, soil ...

  4. National Associations

    improvement on a national level. The Ohio JCEP state presidents are liaisons with the national associations; ... or national level. NAEPSDP.ORG 2024 Ohio President:  Summer McLain: The National ...

  5. Freshwater Science Webinar- Advancing Stormwater Management at Great Lakes Marinas with Green Infrastructure

    as part of a collaboration between the Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs to improve ...

  6. Team Dynamics online

    optimal level. A team that is performing at a high level is able to capitalize on the strengths of the ... embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Ironically, teams succeed because ... their goals.   Objectives Identify the benefits of high performance teams Define the different stages of ...

  7. Minding the Brand: Is Your Professional ID on Brand?

    university-level campaign images that are available for your use. Please review the guidelines and use the email ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Peter Renz

    333C or  via Zoom. Peter will present, "Development of a Novel Biochemical Soil Health Indicator ... that is based on a Multivariate Soybean Yield Prediction Model." Abstract:  Soil Health (SH) ... problems much sooner. Unfortunately, recent publications showed that the existing SH tests were limited in ...

  9. Environmental Science Degree Planning Tools

    Environmental Molecular Science Soil Resources & Environmental Sustainability Water Science   Students who ... EnvSci Roadmaps: Ecosystem Restoration Environmental Molecular Science Soil Resources & Environmental ...

  10. For Authors

    appropriate assistant director(s) to determine the required level of review. For more information, see  Review ...
