
Search results

  1. Ohio State Researcher to Re-write Ohio’s Phosphorus Index to Improve Water Quality

    Conservation Service Ohio Phosphorus (P) Risk Index to better predict the risk of phosphorus moving off farm ... agribusinesses to complete the project. Her goals are to make the Ohio P Risk Index accurate, add more best ... their P Risk Index scores, evaluate management options and make informed decisions to better manage ...

  2. High Input Costs, Cheap Equipment: Finding the Value in Precision Agriculture Technology

    phosphorus on three field scenarios: application based on soil test data with the field divided into 2.5 acre ... it may not have always been economically feasible for farmers with medium-size operations to adopt ... profits," said Reeder. "Variations in a field, from slope to soil type to drainage, can have an impact ...

  3. Chow Line: Keep physically fit at any weight (9/21/12)

    pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose levels. They also took a treadmill test that ... healthy, and they also had a better fitness level than obese participants who had high blood pressure, high ... a standard treadmill test — is a better measure of health risks than what the scale says. The take-home ...

  4. New publication

    Revisions to the UC Davis Powdery Mildew Risk Index. Plant Disease 97: 1438-1447 ... 2013. Effect of High Temperature and Exposure Time on Erysiphe necator Growth and Reproduction: ...

  5. Ohio State's AgOne program application is open

    who are interested in identifying the next steps for themselves to level up their leadership. ... their skills to lead in a board setting.” The AgOne program is a collaboration between the College of ...

  6. Wine Grapes

    potential vineyard site.  Have your soil tested for soil pH and nutrient levels.  Most grape cultivars ... of high elevation and well-drained soil may be a good place to start.  Get a soil map of the ... the soil does not drain well, tile drainage between rows will need to be installed.  Typically, 4” ...

  7. Chow Line: Know warning signs, risk of diabetes (11/16/12)

    diabetes cases. It’s marked by high blood glucose levels primarily caused by the body’s inability to use ... your risk of getting diabetes is 1 in 7 if your parent was diagnosed before age 50, and 1 in 13 if your ... parent was diagnosed after age 50. If both parents have type 2 diabetes, your risk is about 1 in 2. ...

  8. Staying Safe in the Sun

    skin to the sun can lead to damage like tans or sunburns. That damage can increase our risk of ... index  here  , including on cloudy days. When the UV forecast is 3 or higher, be sure to apply sunscreen ... between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. These simple steps take only a few minutes of our time, but go a long way in ...

  9. Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock

    compost sock system comparable to in-soil production, that means that we can farm anywhere with high ... Centers at Piketon are already picking their high tunnel strawberries – about a month ahead of ... are using a compost sock system as a growth medium and comparing the crop’s performance to ...

  10. $2M grant awards to fund two meaningful aquaculture projects

    national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to the efforts of their aquaculture ...
