
Search results

  1. Shock Chlorination of Wells

    about well testing and water treatment, check the website for the Ohio State University Soil Environment ... (High-test Hypochlorite) Needed to Shock Chlorinate a Well of Different Depths and Diameters Water Depth in ... ½ pound 50-- 1/3 pound ½ pound ¾ pound 100- 1/3 pound ¾ pound 1 pound 1½ pounds 150 ¼ pound ½ pound ...

  2. Wastewater Management in Rural Communities

    Natural Resource Onsite Treatment Technology Level of Management Deep, Permeable Soil (at least 3 feet to ... treated wastewater a high-technology treatment plant that can remove all water pollutants attentive and ... highly trained people to operate and manage the collection and treatment system Option 2 Collect ...

  3. Taylor Klass

    2017- May 2018  Experience Ohio State for a Day (EOFD) Student Coordinator, Columbus, OH Co-organized highly ...

  4. Sunn Hemp as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    on planting/termination dates and precipitation. Total nitrogen = 50–150 lb. of N per acre (not ... average): June 10–Aug. 16 Upright growth habit: 3–9 feet Preferred soil pH: 6.5–7.5 Table 1. Rating the ... Performance Dry matter = 1,000–4,000 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent ...

  5. Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction

    4 inches high, which improves soil drainage and warming. By spring, it usually settles down to 1 to ... alternative to plowing. Benefits of strip tillage soil conservation –undisturbed residue between corn rows ... the field should be flat. It is important not to apply nitrogen in the fall to soils above 50°F as ...

  6. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries

    stirring to mix well. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring ... reduced inflammation and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Cherries contain vitamin C, ... their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. Storage Cherries are highly perishable and should be ...

  7. Forage as Vegetative Cover for Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio

    soil temperatures reach 45–50 degrees Fahrenheit, typically during April and May in Ohio. Cool-season ... Barker, and Tilmon 2017). Complete all soil tests and adjustments prior to seed selection and planting. ... growing season. Soil tests should be taken every three years and fertilizer applications should be ...

  8. Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production

    prevent excessive soil nutrient levels. Volatilization Losses Immediate incorporation or injection of ... Incorporation Bare Soil 40 50 75 90 No Incorporation Standing Crop 20 25 40 50 1 day Bare Soil 10 15 25 50 2 day ... Manure and compost nitrogen content and availability can vary greatly between species of animals that ...

  9. Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show- Dressage Show

    2, First Level 3 Classical Dressage tests can be found here:  Classical Dressage tests new for 2023. ... Western Dressage: Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3 Level 1-Test 1, Level 1-Test 2, Level 1-Test 3 Western ... Dressage tests can be found here. Western Dressage tests updated 2022. Stall fee is $50 and will be ...

  10. Inoculants and Soil Amendments for Organic Growers

    Green manures added to soil from cultivating cover crops between cash crops can be effective in adding ... maintain appropriate and balanced soil fertility, a soil test should be conducted before applying ... Manures Green manures can be added to soil by cultivating cover crops between cash crop growing seasons. ...
