
Search results

  1. Useful Links

    Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research Food Testing Links Richter International Food Safety Net Services ...

  2. American Indian/Indigenous

    Library-Index of Native American Cultural Resources-a clearinghouse for information on the various tribes from ...

  3. Rumble hired as assistant professor of agricultural communication

    approximately 50 students who study at ATI prior to transitioning to Columbus campus and Dr. Rumble’s work with ... to bridge the gap between farmers and consumers.” Rumble is currently an assistant professor at the ...

  4. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    participants are asked to take a few online tests developed by Harvard University to detect unconscious biases ... and preferences. The Implicit Associations Tests are brief, easy to complete and informative, They can ...

  5. 2020 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Jacquelyn Blanchard (Master's Level) Asmita Khanal (PhD Level) FABE Graduate Teaching Award Owen Meehl ...

  6. ACEL recognizes National FFA Week

    will participating in activities at local, state and national levels. These members have a passion for ... prepare undergraduate and graduate students to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools and ...

  7. Agriculture

    The soil, water and air are the foundational blocks of agriculture.  Our energy, food, and fiber ... Assurance Program NECC Soils Ohio Beef Quality Assurance Pesticide Education Sick Plants and a Hungry World ...

  8. Education Abroad Opportunities for ATI students

    and days prior/post in Columbus). The Completed Application + $150 application fee must be submitted ...

  9. McMullen selected to serve on Agriculture Future of America Student Advisory Team

    McMullen is a 2018 graduate of Anthony Wayne High School and a 2020 graduate of Ohio State ATI where she ...

  10. Dairy Lab Skills Enrichment Workshop: August 7- 8

    and develop their skills related to sampling, testing, monitoring, verification, corrective action, ...
