
Search results

  1. Who in the world is the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    voice of all alumni of the college. The boardĀ serves as a resource for all relations between college ...

  2. We Exceeded Our Campaign Goal!

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences exceeded its campaign goal of $150 million by raising ...

  3. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    in any way. I willingly talk to any high school students or young professionals about how Ohio ...

  4. Horticulture program receives USDA and industry grant support to conduct strawberry market and season Extension research

    currently sourced from farms and related jobs outside of Ohio, has an estimated farm level value of $165.3 ... production systems, and protective culture production systems including high tunnels and greenhouse ...

  5. Open for Businesses: Endeavor Center has services to help start or grow a business

    and a small break area, as well as three high-bay industrial type spaces. Tenants have access to high ...

  6. BuckeyeFit: Title Boxing- Upper Arlington, Ohio

    Boxing is a fun way for alumni of any age or activity level to burn calories while having a blast. ...

  7. Techno-economic and life cycle analyses of biobased lactic acid production

    Optimizing feedstock logistics and identifying microorganism strains with high LA yield under harsh ...

  8. Waiting for a Break

    A partnership between a multmedia artist and Stone Laboratory illuminates the importance of ice ...

  9. Handheld Raman for rapid screening for the oil type used in potato chip manufacturing

    Adulteration of high-price oils is a prevalent source of agricultural fraud. There is a need for reliable ...

  10. Improving colorimetric properties and stability of acylated anthocyanins through UV irradiation

    more cis-isomers were produced at high anthocyanin concentration. The crude extract displayed bluer ...
