
Search results

  1. Dairy Feed Bunk Management

    the dairy cow to produce a high level of milk, but beyond the nutrient composition of the ration, the ... close, thus reducing the risk of intramammary infection from exposure to environmental bacteria when cows ... Increased feed delivery can reduce diurnal fluctuations in rumen pH and possibly reduce the risk of subacute ...

  2. Ohio State Energy Symposium Feb 10 & 11

    Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Technology Officer, ENGIE “Global Energy Trends and Transitions” 3:50 p.m.     ...

  3. Financial Wellness Series

    Pathfinder quickly and graphically models retirement scenarios to provide engaging new insight on your ...

  4. Picking Apples Is A Great Fall Family Activity

    using.  *1 pound of apples is about 3 medium size apples.  An apple (about 2 ½ inches) has about 75 ... (peeled and diced).  Add ½ cup water and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and cook over medium heat for about 30 ...

  5. Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination Ahead of Soybeans

    difference in yields between the two termination dates.  One farmer saw a small yield reduction with the ... later termination date (more cover crop growth)  but felt that the extra growth protected his soil from ... some serious soil erosion losses during the heavy rains experienced in the 2015 cropping year.  One of ...

  6. Spring has Arrived – Thoughts from the Director

    highly effective communication. I encourage each of you to have the necessary, proactive, and ongoing ...

  7. Free Professional Development Opportunity for Staff, Faculty and Administrators

    and high school teachers. This is the forum where they share lessons learned from evidence-based ...

  8. Jay Dorsey

    Soil and Water Resources, Jay provided stormwater and stream management technical assistance and ...

  9. Recording Studios and Recording Hardware are Available

    limited in the spaces. Per  Safe and Healthy Buckeyes, facilities will clean the high-touch areas twice ...

  10. Application Fee Waiver

    receives a fee waiver with ACT/SAT tests) due to a student/family financial reason, send a typed letter on ... high school transcript to the Office of Admissions at Ohio State ATI.  When the student reaches the fee ... On the application please select: I will submit a copy of my approved ACT/SAT fee waiver (for tests ...
