
Search results

  1. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    scientists at this level speaks to the exceptional quality of our faculty and their important contributions ... a nationally recognized research program in reproductive physiology and endocrinology, with more than 150 ... State to a highly productive, visible and respected unit on campus, in the state, nationally and ...

  2. News: Dairy Cattle Judging Team Sweeps National Competitions

    where a team (at the two-year college level) participated in four judging contests and was first place ... in each contest and high in oral reasons." In addition to NAILE and World Dairy Expo, the team ...

  3. Ohio State agriscience education students celebrate National Teach Ag Day

    and lessons on agricultural topics ranging from energy to wetlands and magnetic water to soil layers ... to high school students and the general public visiting the Gwynne Conservation Area. These students ... majors talked with high school students about the agricultural education profession, why he/she decided ...

  4. Budget Overview

    funding to remain at least fairly level. We should know more within the next few weeks. State: As Dean ...

  5. OARDC Research Internships (ORIP) Applications Open

    targeted to provide research experiences for high school students and undergraduates. Students must be 18 ...

  6. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This ... Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (referred to as the ... “successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”. This ...

  7. The Intersectionality of Blackness and Queerness: A Panel Discussion

    the Cincinnati area at a charter high school, a pre-college program and at the university level. Most ...

  8. Thoughts from the Director

    each other on a more personal and real level, and learned and tried things we may never have attempted ...

  9. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    environment for everyone. Prior to the workshop, participants are asked to take a few online tests developed ... by Harvard University to detect unconscious biases and preferences. The Implicit Associations Tests ...

  10. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    environment for everyone. Prior to the workshop, participants are asked to take a few online tests developed ... by Harvard University to detect unconscious biases and preferences. The Implicit Associations Tests ...
