
Search results

  1. A Lesson in Fire

    here. As part of their 50th anniversary, SENR has created the SENR Experiential Learning Fund   to ...

  2. Education for a Lifetime

    learn about beekeeping or take a class on the relationships between comic books and film.  You can do ...

  3. Soil and Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers

          This article below about the Soil, Water, and BioEnergy Field Night was featured on the OSU ... CFAES website: PIKETON, Ohio — The July 28 Soil, Water and Bioenergy Field Night at the  Ohio State ... a changing climate. Growing cover crops, practicing long-term no-till and spreading gypsum on the soil — all ...

  4. Industry and Researcher Round Table on the Future of Food Fish/Shrimp Production in Ohio

    Carole Engle (Engle-Stone Aquatic$) were active in the conversation. Between these three researchers, ... public’s perspective on farming and will occur over time through active communication, high ...

  5. Natures Gliders: Flying Squirrels- Columbus, Ohio

    squirrel nest boxes.  This event is at the Columbus Metropolitan Library- Northside Branch, 1423 N. High ...

  6. Hope for Ohio- Spencerville, Ohio

    High School, 2500 Wisher Drive in Spencerville, Ohio.. Register here. For more information, email OFBF ...

  7. Re-Employment of OSU Extension Retirees

    Immediate supervisor(s) make the decision for campus staff. All assignments will be 50 percent or less with ... level based on grant, contract or supplemental funding. An offer letter using a template from Human ...

  8. One base at a time

    At the time, Mellor had just graduated from high school in Piqua, Ohio, north of Dayton, and was ...

  9. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    because the funds allocated to Ohio will increase by 150 percent over the next five years. This is based ... a synergy with all Extension programs to increase our reach to make sure that Ohioans at greatest risk for ... parts static and other sections intended to be populated with county-level information and images. Back ...

  10. Take part in Plant Pathology's 50th Anniversary celebrations

    Join the Department of Plant Pathology throughout the year with events commemorating its 50 ...
