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  1. Ohio & West Virginia Food Hub Network Learns from Central Ohio Produce Companies

    high quality and safe produce throughout aggregation, processing and distribution.     The Ohio ...

  2. Agricultural Lender Seminars Featuring AEDE’s Douglas Southgate and Barry Ward Begin This Week

    align with high priority topics that lenders are currently facing. AEDE faculty members Douglas ...

  3. Impact on Farmers From Trade Tariff Threats Between the U.S. and China


  4. As AEDE Undergrad Danielle Matthews Attests, a World of Opportunity Awaits You at Ohio State

    the cultural differences between life in the U.S. and Brazil. After finishing the classes at the ... to the great land mass and population differences between the two nations. Why did you want to study ...

  5. Small fruit progress

    high performance liquid chromatography system and a MSQ single quadrupole mass spectrometer. This new ...

  6. Building African Food Security One Student at a Time

    focusing on soil science. He said he hopes his research in soil mapping of Tanzania’s Kilombero Valley will ...

  7. Communiqué April 2, 2014

    50 percent participation. Total donors as of this week 442 New donors this week 13 Percentage of ... level budget which has been restored to the 2012 levels. The passage of the Farm Bill includes a new ... with county-level information and images.  The plan is to purchase 10 of the tabletop displays that ...

  8. EEDS Major Welcomes Neil Drobny as Program Director and is Profiled in the OSU vs. Miami University Football Program

    community development, or international development. EEDS is a joint major between the School of Environment ...

  9. 2012 Agricultural Lender Seminar: Ottawa, Ohio

    with agricultural lenders and enhance the working relationship between OSU Extension and this target ...

  10. 2012 Agricultural Lender Seminar: Urbana, Ohio

    agricultural lenders and enhance the working relationship between OSU Extension and this target audience. AEDE ...
