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  1. ACEL Visit Day

    High school students interested in agricultural communication, agriscience education or community ...

  2. Manufacturing Rountable

    schedule speakers to address specific topics, and work with local schools to somehow bridge the gap between ...

  3. Specialty Crop Growers Apprenticeship Program- Pilot

    members Major Components: 900 hour, Full-Time, Pell eligible training program Work experience on a 25-50 ...

  4. Children's Schooling in Nicaragua: What Is the Link Between Educational Achievement and Borrowing?

    substitutability/complementarity of time and skills between borrowers and children of the same gender. Joyce J. Chen, Ph.D. Working ...

  5. Communiqué September 17, 2014

    county levels. A great discussion on all of these topics ensued. There were also questions answered ... all levels and provide staff with the vision, courage and tools to lead in a changing world.” The 2015 ... on a local, state and national level; and an international “cultural immersion” study trip. Back to ...

  6. SUSTAINS: Ohio State's Sustainability Learning Community

    the success of the students has been instrumental in growing and sustaining a high-quality program.  ... exploration of the delicate balance between environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Students must ...

  7. Why I May Need Dairy Insurance

    Confused as to why you might need some level of milk income over feed insurance? This paper is ...

  8. Making Employee Motivation a Partnership

    businesses works best as a partnership between employer and employees. In this paper, we will develop this ...

  9. OSU South Centers Academic Editor received recognition from PLOS ONE

    Academic Editor. PLOS ONE has a high impact, being the world’s largest peer-reviewed science and medical ...

  10. Matthew Pham and Professor Brian Roe Win Research Grant from OSU’s Behavioral Decision Making Initiative

    months. Only 50 percent of the proposals submitted during the application period during which Pham and Roe ...
