
Search results

  1. Racial Inequality in Higher Education Virtual Conference

    individual and institutional level … but to what extent do anti-racist trainings and diversity statements ... level of institutions of higher education. Long known as vehicles of knowledge, innovation, and social ... life-changing opportunities to a diverse range of students at the undergraduate and graduate level, but still ...

  2. FABE Faculty Recognized with 2018 CFAES Innovator of the Year Awards

    Columbus. He was selected for his research on developing creative High Pressure Based Clean Process ... challenges through the development of high pressure based food manufacture technological solutions. High ... pressure involves exposing food to very high pressures (87,000 pounds per square inch) with or without heat ...

  3. Poster Presentations at the U.S. Congressional Reception Celebrating International Year of Plant Health

    Addressing a breadth of Plant Health issues- ranging from soil health to crop genetics, disease management, ... reception, we would like to showcase 5 high-quality poster presentations on diverse and impactful research ...

  4. OSU Extension Award Winners

    Our OSU Extension colleagues have represented us well at the national level! We are so happy to ...

  5. Soil physical properties under avocado and tropical rainforest

    Patricia Marie Cordero Irizarry MS Dr. Rattan Lal School of Environment and Natural Resources Soil ... is a finite resource that is vulnerable to degradation as soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) may ... become depleted with improper land management. They are influenced by land use, soil moisture, and ...

  6. Cover Crop Mapping in Maumee River Watershed

    cropping is one of the best management practices for improving soil quality and reducing nutrient losses to ... platform. The results show high amounts of cover crops during 2015/16 and 2018/19 while relatively low ...

  7. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    program. You must be 18 years of age to become a certified tester. There is a charge of $50 per student to ... to maintain certification. If this is your first time being certified, you will physically test ...

  8. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    program. You must be 18 years of age to become a certified tester. There is a charge of $50 per student to ... to maintain certification. If this is your first time being certified, you will physically test ...

  9. Winter Holiday Safety

    a heart attack, have heart disease, high blood pressure, or smoke are at a greater risk for having a heart ... risks due to the electromagnetic fields (EMF’s). If you have concerns about using an electric blanket ... important for even frequent users to be reminded of the increased risks associated with them. Keep candles ...

  10. Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    to the webinar participants will be asked to complete several online Implicit Association Tests. The ... helpful in uncovering hidden biases. An opportunity for discussion of test results and their implications ...
