
Search results

  1. History

    serve as an interface between the food industry and the Ohio State food programs. Since its inception, ...

  2. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    of about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still a highly priced nutrient  For MP, its current price (41.2¢/lb) is ... also greater than its 6-year average (28¢/lb).  Thus, we are currently in a period of very high dietary ... 6-year average (-9¢/lb).  Meanwhile, unit costs of e-NDF are historically high, being priced at about ...

  3. Milk Price Outlook

    unexpected. Commercial use of milk during the third quarter rose from year earlier levels. Stocks of dairy ...

  4. Workshop for Integrated Carnivore-Livestock Management

    Join us for an exciting opportunity to hear from experts about the balance between livestock ...

  5. Better Process Control School

    received before March 5 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be ...

  6. New Voices in Energy Impacts Research Webinar

    engagement, relationships between environmental beliefs and attitudes towards energy development, and the ...

  7. Improving Neighbor Relations in the Face of Palmer Amaranth, a New Weed with New Challenges

    that you be diligent about managing the risks. Cottonseed can be a good source of protein, fiber, and ... energy that complements other home grown feeds and helps keep milk fat at respectable levels.   The first ...

  8. Cost of Nutrients: Ohio, May 2003,

    remains high. The average cost per megacalorie (Mcal) of net energy lactation (NEL) has steadily gone up ... cents per Mcal, a figure which is historically high. Effective fiber (e-NDF) is also relatively ... Unless you are feeding high producing cows (>100 lb/day), the use of blood meal should be minimized. ...

  9. Global Gateways

    upon Ohio State's more than 50 years of partnership and strategic engagement with Brazil, ...

  10. Milk Price Outlook

    cwt. for milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat. This price is up $1.67 over the July price and $3.91 ...
