
Search results

  1. It’s Game Time. Are You In It?

    levels.  If it was a good year, a few of the opposing team’s points are allocated to Uncle Sam….and that is ... Table 2.  So what happened?  Feed prices were certainly high both years, but milk prices were ...

  2. "I don't drink milk, I eat it!"

    put the lid on. Than it was time to shake it. We shook the cups high, then low, then to the right, ...

  3. ASABE Fall Social

    Tuesday, November 4th, 6-9pm Toos Under High Food will be provided ...

  4. 2011 Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at Spring Dairy Expo

    animals.  Some youth participate in both contests, and it is quite a rigorous day as they complete FFA tests ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nutrient levels, I used a target cow milking 70 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein eating 50 lb/day. In ... milk. Our efficient cows that produce more milk and maintain a high milk fat percentage are currently ...

  6. First Harvest of Forages is Just Around the Corner!

    high quality forage is essential, and should be given priority over row crop planting, especially if ... goals. Harvest in the boot stage for high quality orchardgrass, ryegrass, tall fescue, and reed ...

  7. MFC Group

    departmental, college, university, and national levels including OSU's Alumni Award for Distinguished ... conversion effort at multiple levels including in her department, on college-level committees in both the ...

  8. Local Impacts and Successes

    often each month.  EFNEP graduates increased their physical activity levels and fruit and vegetable ...

  9. Welcome Back Social

    other, current students, and faculty. Stop by in between classes if you can't stay the entire time! ...

  10. National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning

    toward the goal of meaningful change. The conference offers a multi-leveled examination of diversity as ...
