
Search results

  1. Conditions Favorable for Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybeans

    spacing (7- 15 in), high plant populations, and canopy closure at or prior to flowering. Apothecia are ...

  2. test attach

    test attach ...

  3. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ...

  4. Leimeister and Wirth Win Junior Fair Beef & Dairy Carcass Contests

    2.8 and was a ‘high choice’ quality grade.  Wirth’s dairy steer had a weight of 860 pounds, a rib eye ...

  5. Program Dismissal

    If you are not showing progress in your current program, you are at risk of being dismissed from ...

  6. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    at the county and state levels in 2017.  New for 2017 Wayne County, 4-H has made some changes to our ...

  7. Choices to Create the Life We Love

    years?  How are you going to get there, what are the steps in between?  Taking time to reflect on what our ...

  8. Cakes & chemistry: the science of baking

    a recipe — too much baking powder, over-mixing a batter — can make the difference between a moist cupcake ...

  9. November 12 4HOnline Training

    Other CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent ...

  10. Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis receives 2017 IUFoST Young Scientist Award

    discovery and characterization of compounds with high commercial and nutritional value. Creating ... opportunities from food industry waste products. Dr. Hatzakis has also been very successful in producing high ...
