
Search results

  1. Feed the Future's EatSafe: Evidence and Action Towards Safe, Nutritious Food

    food safety-related risks, attitudes, knowledge, and practices of consumers, vendors, and other ...

  2. Productivity- Production Cycle

    produce high quality fruit (size and taste/flavor) or in some cases stop producing fruit. Nighttime ... indoor farm is favorable for high quality fruit production. In North America, some Canadian greenhouse ...

  3. Library Database Session

    3 different dates and times: October 6 at 4:10, October 13 at 10:20, or October 20 at 1:50. Pick the session ...

  4. National Food Safety Education Month: Food Temperature Control

    Typically, the danger zone for bacterial growth occurs between 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, ... recommends the following major steps to help minimize risk:  Keep cold foods cold and refrigerate food as ...

  5. NEW!!!! Livestock Judging Team

    livestock judging, succeeding in placings and reasons on the national level. Seth now frequently serves as ... swine judge on the state and national level. “I not only want to make a competitive livestock judging ...

  6. Laurence (Larry) V. Madden

    Determining Sample Sizes for Accurately Estimating Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Index in Research Plots. ... Accuracy in the prediction of disease epidemics when ensembling simple but highly correlated models. PLoS ... for quantifying the risk of natural contamination of maize grain with deoxynivalenol. Phytopathology ...

  7. Dr. Anna Testen

    from high tunnels to vertical farms. This research focuses on developing non-chemical methods of ... disease management, such as anaerobic soil disinfestation and biological control. She has expertise in ...

  8. CONTACT's Clarify The Confusing: Rarely Consumed Raw

    scientific challenges and cost-effective management of risks associated with the implementation of produce ...

  9. Soil Testing Info

    A lot of people are asking about soil testing. Tis the season! Unfortunately, we don't have ... the capabilities to test soil locally in the office, but do have information that I hope you find ... useful.  Soil Testing Information Link to OSU Extension Soil Testing FactSheet-  ...

  10. CFAES News | 3.15.2023

    the High Impact Program Award through the OSU Outreach and Engagement Awards. Learn more. Alex Lindsey ... will be between $5,000- $25,000 with typical project timelines of one to two years. The submission ... donations for  PBJ Connections. LGBTQ+ Pride Trash Clean-up   on High Street, March 31st – 2-4pm. This is ...
