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  1. Explore Undergraduate Programs

    offers a broad selection of courses, with 20 undergraduate-level courses in plant pathology and hundreds ...

  2. Diagnostic Network

    communication between OSU Extension, industry, and regulatory agencies such as the Ohio Department of ...

  3. OSU Extension Online Homebuyer Education Program

    $50,000- $100,000 $100,000- $150,000 $150,000- $200,000 $250,000- $300,000 Above $300,000 Order details ... CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam ...

  4. Extensive Spread of Corn Toxin Could Affect 2019 Crop

    for their crop, Paul said. High moisture levels spur the spread of vomitoxin, which can cause people ... year’s crop may be at risk as well. The fungus that produces the toxin can survive the winter, ... particularly if stalks or other plant material from the 2018 corn crop are left on the surface of the soil ...

  5. Farms and Fun: Reducing Liability Risk for Agritourism Webinar Being Offered

    liability.  In this webinar, we’ll address areas of high risk exposure for agritourism operations and tools ... bringing people onto the farm for fun also brings risks of injuries and the possibility of legal ... for reducing liability risk such as immunity laws, best management practices, agritourism readiness ...

  6. A Profile of Fulton County SNAP-Ed

    benefits.  Students may participate through the Summer Feeding Program or if their school has a 50 ...

  7. General Ed & Intro Courses

    nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked between Columbus and Wooster.  Prerequ: Intro or general ...

  8. Erik Ohlson

    streams and base-level controls from historic dams in the unglaciated mid-Atlantic region, USA. Philos ... E.W. 2022. High Plains wheat mosaic virus: An emerging trade issue for corn seed. ASTA’s CSS and Seed ... Kenya. Ohlson, E.W. 2017. QTL mapping using high density SNP markers in cowpea. West African Cowpea ...

  9. Cooking Chicken Francaise Safely

    G et ready to curb your appetite and risk of acquiring a foodborne illness, before, during, and ...

  10. Summer Internships in Plant Pathology

    Start and end dates may vary and are established between the student and supervisor, depending on school ...
