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  1. Processed Meats, Red Meats and Colorectal Cancer Risk

    other non-meat foods are high in fat, but are not associated with increased risk of cancer. Thus, high ... monitors cancer-causing substances in our environment. The IARC provides research into substances’ risk of ... IARC Monographs. The Monographs publish reviews of studies that research the links between cancer and ...

  2. The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses

    That Can Sink a Startup, Wasserman states that entrepreneurs "face a choice between making money ... almost all firms operate somewhere between these two extremes. However, if your closely held business has ... helpful in creating that separation. A healthy separation between closely held companies and their owners ...

  3. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14

    Top land will typically be large tracts of land with highly productive soils. "Average" land ... will tend to be land with lower productivity soils, poor drainage or come in smaller tracts (or ... the rent will tend to be. Variability of Crop Return: Land that exhibits highly variable returns may ...

  4. Enhancing Food (Mast) Production for Woodland Wildlife in Ohio

    found on soils derived from limestone oak, northern red tree medium fall, winter GB, SB, LH, MH, SH, MC ... typically high in fat, carbohydrates and protein. These characteristics make them a food source that is both ... high in energy content and available well into the winter months. For many Ohio wildlife species, hard ...

  5. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    conflicts between them and people are on the rise. What Does a Coyote Look Like?   The coyote is ... a medium-sized member of the dog family, which includes wolves and foxes. With its pointed ears, slender muzzle, ... that prevents conflicts at both the individual and community level. Causes of Human-Coyote Conflicts ...

  6. Effectiveness of Turbodrop® and Turbo Teejet® Nozzles in Drift Reduction

    droplets smaller than 50, 100 and 150 microns. VMD is the most widely used parameter of droplet size. It is ... the volume contains droplets larger than VMD. Typically, a nozzle with a high VMD presents a low risk ... organism. Therefore, small-to-medium size droplets are desirable when applying insecticides and fungicides ...

  7. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    likely to cause a significant level of soil compaction resulting in reduced crop yield. Spot spraying, ... increasing interest in drone spraying and the high level of public demand for relaxation of current rules and ... data points: soil characteristics (type, moisture content, and nutrient content) location of drainage ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples

    in apple production in the United States. It produces around 50 different varieties, including Ohio ... recommendations below are approximations. 1 pound = about 3 medium apples 1 pound = approximately 1½ cups ... recommends two cups of fruits per day as part of a healthy diet. A medium, raw, 3-inch apple is low in ...

  9. Wastewater Management in Rural Communities

    Natural Resource Onsite Treatment Technology Level of Management Deep, Permeable Soil (at least 3 feet to ... treated wastewater a high-technology treatment plant that can remove all water pollutants attentive and ... highly trained people to operate and manage the collection and treatment system Option 2 Collect ...

  10. Lawn Mowing

    limited soil moisture can lead to signs of stress and increased risk of turfgrass loss in closely mowed ... pesticide applications, for cultivating and maintaining a high-quality lawn. Properly mowed lawns have ... manufacture sugars, fueling their development into a high-quality lawn. When mowed at low heights, turfgrasses ...
