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Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop
on how to test your soil. “Soil testing provides a window into the soil, revealing if a plant is ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). The workshop, called “Digging Into Soil Health: What Tests ... CFAES’ Soil Balancing Research Team, who plan to share details on testing the soil and on ways to improve ...
Greg Lipps receives Columbus Zoo’s Commitment to Conservation Award
conservation coordinator in the Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership, a long-term relationship between ... in 2011, this biennial honor includes a $50,000 grant, funded by Kim and Steve Germain of New Albany, ...
Practicing Bystander Intervention Strategies
Participants will practice what they have learned using real-life scenarios. An optional debrief/follow up ...
Chow Line: More fiber: Just what the doctor ordered
high-fiber diets with a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes, but two recent studies show even more ... fiber have a lower risk of breast cancer later in life. The researchers believe fiber helps reduce high ... estrogen levels in the blood, which are one cause of breast cancer. The reduced risk was significant: For ...
Gustavo Garay
“Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment with the Dose-Response models in inoculum concentration of ... fungus on leaves and fruits of Mangifera indica " Processed a pathology test in mango leaves on the ... student in a Functional Ecology Study to compare the trees of volcanic soil vs. trees serpentine soils ...
Soil health at risk on fallow fields
risks to next year’s crops, soil experts from The Ohio State University warn. If wind or rain carry away ... fallow this year if a soil test indicates the soil is low in phosphorus, he said. Across Ohio, 1.5 ... a soil fertility specialist with Ohio State University Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...
Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- April 12, 2023
(Category 6c). Attendees will choose between Industrial Vegetation (Category 5) and Turf (Category 8). No ... testing is available at the conclusion of this course. Contact the ODA to schedule your exam. Program ... or to soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests except ...
New Nitrogen Recommendations Now Available
can use the high side of the rate range. If they are more willing to accept risk, they can use a lower ... system assumes the soil is a blank medium and devoid of natural nitrogen. We know that's not ... from the soil, but does that translate into higher nitrogen demand? Investigation of nitrogen rate ...
New Pesticide Applicator Training- May 10, 2023
(Category 6c). Attendees will choose between Industrial Vegetation (Category 5) and Turf (Category 8). ... Testing is available at the conclusion of the day. A photo ID is required for the test. Program Brochure ... course is designed to help you prepare for the Commercial Pesticide Applicator test. To become licensed, ...
Pierce A. Paul
Fusarium Head Blight Index in Research Plots. Phytopathology Volume 112, Issue 2, Pages 315- 33. Lipps, ... Pierce A.; Miller, Sally A. 2021. On-farm evaluations of anaerobic soil disinfestation and grafting for ... heterogeneity and determining sample sizes for accurately estimating wheat Fusarium head blight index in ...