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Martin receives Odum Award from AEES
stakeholder groups to investigate connections between downstream water quality and management practices in ...
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2017-18
land with highly productive soils. Average land will typically be the majority of land in a given ... quality soils translate into higher rents. Fertility Levels: Higher fertility levels often result in ... variability of those crop returns. Soils and drainage capabilities are the two factors that most influence ...
Using the Tree Measuring Stick
defects, use your judgment in making deductions that reduce the volume between 10 and 50 percent. ... between your eye and stick to be sure it is 25 inches (Figure 2b). The “Diameter of Log” scale on the top ... unusable. Deductions should be made for estimated loss due to these defects. Trees that are over 50 percent ...
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Ailanthus
shallow soils of varying pH, and is highly tolerant of poor air quality. Identification Ailanthus trees ... impacts, and a landowner's comfort level with those methods. While not always easy to control, ... to control small to medium sized ailanthus by spraying the circumference of the lower 12–18 inches of ...
Billbugs in Turfgrass
(tug-test). If the stalks break off easily at ground level and the stems are hollowed out and packed with ... damage. If a lawn or neighborhood was damaged in a previous year, it is at high risk of repeating the ... should occur between 280 and 352 DD 50 and the 30% first activity (the time that the last surface ...
Current Sanitation Practices for Leafy Green Vegetables For Processors, Retailers and Consumers
highest safety risk. Understanding the individual unit operations in fresh produce processing will lead to ... harvesting. Equipment used to remove the produce from the soil must be sharp, and handling must be done with ... to remove and potentially to reduce bacteria contracted from the soil, harvesting equipment or human ...
Maps, Apps and Mobile Media Marketing
mobile and location-based marketing present unique opportunities and risks for farmers and other food ... test their website’s mobile versions at a site such as develop a device-responsive ... between their customers and their business enhancing their business profile with enticing content and ...
Guidelines for Applying Liquid Animal Manure to Cropland with Subsurface and Surface Drains
crumbs on surface in some places. 27,000 gallons/acre 25–50% or Less Soil Moisture Amount to Reach AWC ... 30,000 gallons/acre Somewhat pliable; balls under pressure. 20,000 gallons/acre 50–75% Soil Moisture ... moisture levels that are near or exceeding the soil water holding capacity. The addition of liquid manure ...
Physical Properties of Granular Fertilizers and Impact on Spreading
equates to a SGN = 150. Using sieves, once can interpret a SGN of 150 as 50% of particles were retained on ... increases, leading to high risk of product segregation during spreading. Table 1 provides the following SGN ... percentile level, respectively, for a sample d 50 = the median diameter for a sample UI (uniformity ...
Free, Online Data and Tools for the Agricultural Community
data and tools to help support decision making at the field level. Data-driven insights help ... data collected via cutting-edge technologies, such as drones, satellites, GPS, and high-tech sensors, ... Estimating soil erosion. Estimating vegetation height. Producing a 3D representation of the surface. ...