
Search results

  1. Raines and Preston Recognized at Ohio Fair Manager's Association Annual Conference

    awards, supporting junior fair entries, assisting with risk management, and so much more. She is pictured ...

  2. Extension Risk Management Education National Conference


  3. Youth Nutrition and Wellness: Carol Smathers

    Health; program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high ...

  4. Soil & Water Quality

    mobile application designed to calculate the soil quality index (SQI) using a minimal set of soil quality ... levels. Provides actionable insights to optimize soil health management. Supports sustainable agriculture ... more details and to order a soil quality field test kit, click the photo here. If you have any ...

  5. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  6. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  7. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  8. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  9. Ohio 4-H Awards & Hall of Fame

    individual for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  Nominee must be between the ... Induction into the Teen Hall of Fame is meant to be thought as a very high honor for youth who are selected. ... community, country, and world. Nominee must be between the ages of 15 and 18 as of January 1 the year they ...

  10. Commercial Core Manual Bundle

    pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not ... Control, and Category 8—Turf Pest Control. Participants may choose between online webinars and in-person ...
