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  1. Get A Grip On Weeds, Like Poison Hemlock, Now Instead Of Later

    A competitive forage stand is maintained by good grazing management, good soil fertility, appropriate pH, ... Every year that you make progress against weeds means less weed seeds in the soil seed bank and less ...

  2. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    a tree to interrupt the flow of sap between the roots and crown of the tree (Figure 1). The groove must ... 8 inches on very large-diameter trees. When a chainsaw is used to girdle, two horizontal cuts between 2–4 ... effective. Care must be taken when the herbicide is applied to minimize the amount that runs into the soil ...

  3. Food Preservation: Preserving Food With Less Sugar

    carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels more than any other nutrient, this fact sheet offers lower ...

  4. New Pesticide Applicator Training

    will discuss study tips, common questions and test day preparation strategies. Cost: $25 per ...

  5. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)

    spray mixture varies between applicators, but 40–80 gallons per acre is a consistent recommendation, ...

  6. Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations

    that very low soil test levels require high fertilizer rates, but as soil test levels increase, our ... able to answer the question, “At what soil test level should I apply fertilizer to see a yield ... response?” To answer this question, we need to establish a critical soil test level.  For each trial, we ...

  7. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    canning methods can pose serious health risks. Understanding Clostridium botulinum Pressure canning is the ... (USDA) endorsed recommendations present a risk of botulism. Even a taste of food containing this toxin ... processing. Add boiling water to the jars, leaving the headspace recommended in Table 2 between the jar rim ...

  8. Pesticide Use in Schools

    reduce the risk of exposing children and staff to pesticides. Only structural pest applications are ... Potential Certain pesticide product applications have a lower potential risk of exposure because of the ...

  9. Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay

    is to maintain soil test P and K between the “critical level” (minimum) and “maintenance limit” ... level before planting. The estimated amount of P 2 O 5 required to raise a soil test 1 PPM is 20 pounds ... For example, if a soil test is 100 PPM and the goal is to increase the soil test to a critical level ...

  10. New video series Project Journal debuts

    bare root vs. soil plug plants were tested. What started out as something as simple as “let’s try ...
