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  1. A Successful Lamb Breeding Season Requires Proper Nutrition, Management

    a gradual increase in the animal’s nutritional requirements.  On average a 150 pound ewe at maintenance, ...

  2. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    count on each other to be there when needed, which has stood the test of time. When we help our children ...

  3. Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts

    daughter of Chad and Angie Mullen of Wooster, is a Triway High School graduate and a member of the Wayne ... and a graduate of Norwayne High School. He was an eight-year member of Canaan Country Cousins, served ... Walenciak of Wooster, is a Wooster High School graduate. A 10-year 4-H’er, Walenciak has excelled with his ...

  4. Tips for Teens

    Communication (Lesson Plan | Scenarios) Teen Mental Health (Lesson Plan  |  PPT) Tips for Teens Evaluation ...

  5. Ways To Protect Livestock From West Nile Virus

    there is a reliable vaccine that can be a part of your annual herd health program.  As always, I highly ... If your veterinarian indicates that the threat is indeed high, you may be encouraged to bring your ... water intake, the relationship between water consumption and forage intake, grazing behaviors of ...

  6. Cultural Immersion Projects

    at University Gardens High School. Who: Ohio 4-H teens ages 15-18 (by the date of the trip and still ... in high school) Where: Puerto Rico (San Juan and the mountain village of Castañer) When: Thanksgiving ... high school students working in cohorts focused on different program units that include:  Animal and ...

  7. Canning Time: What To Know About Preserving Summer Garden Yields

    only using tested recipes to ensure your family’s food safety. Salsas are a mixture of both high ... spaghetti sauce recipe?  If you really want a specific recipe, then freeze it.  Only tested, approved ... tested recipes.  It is really important not to alter the tested recipes as it will change the pH value ...

  8. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    on the complex relationship between soil health, ground cover, stormwater runoff and groundwater ... Lorson, Soil and Water Conservation District program manager, will lead a program on Ohio’s wild mammals ... and learn about your wild Ohio neighbors! (Suitable for all ages.)             3 p.m. The Triway High ...

  9. As Cattle Producers Gain, Crop Farmers See Bottom Fall Out

    planning, soil testing and best management practices.  It is asked that you make a curtesy reservation by ... While the livestock sector is enjoying their record high pricing, row crop producers have seen the ... or calling 330-263-3634. The Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District will have ...

  10. ODA Sponsoring Chance To Dispose Of Unwanted Pesticides

    44691. Cost: $50 Are you ready to delve deeper into the fascinating world of plant diagnostics? The Ohio ... Diagnostic Workshop- Speakers: Joe Boggs, Eric Draper, Jim Chatfield, Paul Snyder Put your skills to the test ... real-world scenarios. Extended time will be spend going over the samples. We haven’t had enough time in the ...
