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  1. Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended

     Single-elimination format. Each round features a match between two teams, and the winning team advances to the next ...

  2. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Brock Barbey

    highly knowledgeable individuals that deeply want to share their knowledge with the students. Are there ...

  3. Demystifying Research: Introduction to Scholarly Publishing for Humanities Researchers (Virtual Event)

    researchers navigating the scholarly publishing process. Through a series of real-life scenarios, attendees ...

  4. Hidden Defenses: How Cows Fight Disease

    annual losses. As a producer, you do everything in your power to mitigate disease risks in your ... a set of highly organized and calculated survival mechanisms that have been evolutionarily favored for ... overall metabolism by 30-50%, creating more stress on the cow if this response is prolonged. Depression ...

  5. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    imprisonment, depending upon the risk of harm resulting from the endangerment. 2. Shooting a drone can create ... safety risks and potential civil liability.  The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and other aviation ... intentionally harms a drone not only creates this safety risk but also opens up the possibility of being liable ...

  6. Demystifying Research: Archives and Research Methods (in person)

    activities being discussed. Please note that this event will take place in Thompson Library, room 150 ...

  7. Update on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak in Germany

    immediately to your herd veterinarian for further examination and testing. The only way to tell if the ... blisters are caused by the FMD virus is through laboratory testing. How can FMD be prevented from entering ...

  8. Box Tree Moth: Detection

    presents a significant risk to the health of boxwoods (Buxus spp.) in Ohio’s landscapes and nurseries ... resulting in the boxwoods appearing normal. Under high population conditions, the inside-out transition ...

  9. ACEL Alumni in the News: Autumn Semester

    Agriculture education program coming to Jefferson Twp. High School,  WDTN Haley Warren '24,  alum,  ... Forum Glen Murphy '65, alum,  Glen Murphy,  Times Reporter Earl Palm '50, alum,  Obituary: ...

  10. Important Dates for SP 25

    Here are some important dates coming up: Friday, Jan. 31: Last day of 50% refund period (Spring ...
