
Search results

  1. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

    Administration.’   The course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil ... they may be found on the farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to ...

  2. Ecosystem Management: Asmita Murumkar

    Marathwada Krishi (Agricultural) Vidyapeeth (University), Parbhani, India; Master’s in technology, Soil and ... Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India Specialization/Focus Area Carbon research/markets, soil ... carbon, soil health improvements, water quality, nutrient trading, and sustainable and regenerative ...

  3. Extension Risk Management Education National Conference


  4. Youth Nutrition and Wellness: Carol Smathers

    Health; program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high ...

  5. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    explore the possibility of using lunar soil, known as regolith, for growing crops. By testing how water ... moves through materials similar to lunar soil, Cassidy hopes to provide valuable insights that can help ... level, I have been able to foster collaborations with people who I never would've known ...

  6. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  7. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  8. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  9. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  10. Agronomic Systems: Greg LaBarge

    and Natural Resources Extension educator; county Extension director Specialization/Focus Area Soils ... , and soil fertility, insect/disease management, corn, soybean, and wheat production, precision ... agriculture and on farm research Plan of Action Conduct applied research on nutrient management, soil ...
