
Search results

  1. Microscope Mysteries

    2.0 and an interesting technique to try out to test your samples  Foldscope 2.0 on the 3 Lenses ... Technology or Paper: Taking a Closer Look Activity 5 Soil Is Alive! Secrets to Healthy Soils Activity ...

  2. Native Plant Giveaway

    event prefer full sun and well-drained soil.  Then, determine where in your yard would be suitable for ... is root-bound, make sure you free the root system by gently pulling it apart. Once the backfill soil ...

  3. Propagating Houseplants

    rot, and some well-draining soil. Keep your new plant in an area that has some sun, and water about ... once a week. When watering, make sure that you saturate the soil, but let any extra water run out of ...

  4. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

    Administration.’   The course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil ... they may be found on the farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to ...

  5. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    explore the possibility of using lunar soil, known as regolith, for growing crops. By testing how water ... moves through materials similar to lunar soil, Cassidy hopes to provide valuable insights that can help ... level, I have been able to foster collaborations with people who I never would've known ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Awards & Hall of Fame

    individual for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  Nominee must be between the ... Induction into the Teen Hall of Fame is meant to be thought as a very high honor for youth who are selected. ... community, country, and world. Nominee must be between the ages of 15 and 18 as of January 1 the year they ...

  7. Vinton County 4-H educator honored with Excellence in 4-H Award

    a student-led peer prevention program at the high school and middle school levels, and works with the county ... to balance his work in his local communities with his involvement at the state and national level ...

  8. Construction students get high-level training from Ohio CAT at the Digital Earthworks Sandbox

    machine and helped each student as they tested out the equipment.  "While we wouldn't usually be ...

  9. Corteva Agriscience supports local pollinator programs

    topics or skills learned throughout included how to read soil test results to determine how much ... fertilizer was needed for good soil health, what native plants would thrive in the climate, how many plants ...

  10. Collaboration between CFAES Horticulture and Crop Science Professor Laura Lindsey, International Intern Program (TOP) and farmer Tom Hamilton Pays Dividends

    David Zelaya of Honduras learned a great deal during an internship in Ohio arranged through the CFAES   Ohio International Intern Program (TOP). The goal of the program is to assist farmers with finding young people interested in international issues and ...
