
Search results

  1. Shared Harvest Food Distribution- New line up hours

    behalf. This individual must be able to attest to the household income level and give the name, street ...

  2. Communiqué January 7, 2015

    State policy 1.50, solar energy, Local Government Leadership Academy, and community plans for small ... 4-H leader • for his work with Ohio State policy 1.50 to distribute information, answer questions, and ... – between 39:30-44:10 minutes into the video. This also includes links to the presentations during ...

  3. Waiting for a Break

    A partnership between a multmedia artist and Stone Laboratory illuminates the importance of ice ...

  4. Wildlife Diversity Conference- Columbus, Ohio

    Pre-registration. Doors open at 8:00am.  Located at Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus, 43210 (OSU ... with access from High Street and College Rd.  Please have $10 cash ready upon entry. The garage is ...

  5. 2014 Horticulture Research and Extension Achievements

    a three-year high tunnel training program From field research the OSU South Centers began in 1996 and continues ... today, Ohio has faced an explosion of high tunnel production by mostly new producers due to conservation ... program incentives and an uptick in local foods and urban agriculture. High tunnels are a way to extend ...

  6. 2018 No-Till Summer Conference- Wooster, Ohio

    afternoon sessions. This conference is for anyone interested in learning about keeping Ohio soils healthy ...

  7. Farm Bill Crop Safety Net Enrollment Deadlines Approaching

    the Agricultural Risk Coverage County program (ARC-CO), the Agricultural Risk Coverage Individual ... for corn if prices remain at current levels. For example, for Ohio, using yields as of January 2015 at ... the state level and projected U.S. prices for the 2014 crop year, payments for PLC appear to be in the ...

  8. Student enrollment exceeds 4,000

    with 4,150 students for fall semester 2016. That number includes undergraduate and graduate students in ...

  9. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    High input costs coupled with low grain prices anticipated in 2016 means that growers have to make ... maintain healthy soils to help ensure good water quality, said Randall Reeder, a retired Ohio State ... continuing education credits are available, with an emphasis on soil and water and nutrient management hours. ...

  10. CDME

    ability to move at the speed of industry while continuing to innovate eases the communication between both ... community. We believe we will provide deep collaboration between the Ohio State “One University” concept and ...
