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Collegiate FFA
as the Collegiate FFA Treasurer this year. He is a junior at Wooster High School and is doing ... a post-secondary program as a Crops and Soils major at Ohio State ATI. He would like to see CFFA expand and do many ...
Learning from Our Leaders: A Conversation with Asian American Activist Christine Chen
promoted AAPI civic engagement and mobilized AAPI voters to an unprecedented national level. During her ...
Ryan Riddle- Agricultural Systems Management Student
son of an agriculture teacher at my high school and growing up with livestock, I knew I wanted to ... looking at the scenarios would seem to be an obvious answer but when we really dug in and evaluated all ... course and the ways we were taught to approach scenarios like this helped tremendously in my project. My ...
Helen Thompson Obituary
a brother, Edsel "Bud" Laney, Jr. Helen was a 1966 graduate of North Baltimore High School where ...
Hydraulic Service & Repair Certificate
Graduates of this program will be highly effective employees for firms with off-road machinery that utilizes ... high cost of these items. Facilities Ohio State ATI’s students study in a 15,000-square-foot facility ... • Hydraulic systems and trainers for four didactic levels of hydraulic technology training • Pneumatic fluid ...
Grant Writing: An Introduction Livestream Event
will address some of the similarities and differences between the funding processes for federal/state ...
ATI student selected as AmericanHort HortScholar
wasn’t until after I graduated high school and started a summer job at a local greenhouse that I found my ...
Dairy 101: Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management
the deadline, the registration cost is $1045. Optional parking passes are $8.50 per day. If parking on ... receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations ...
Puerto Rico: The Reality of 'Paradise'
Mayagüez. Pursuing a master’s degree in Soil Science at Ohio State under the guidance of Dr. Steve ... Culman. Her research focuses on studying soil health in no-till soils. Ana M. Vázquez Catoni: B.S. in Biology ...
Queer 101: An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities
LGBTQQIAAP, or some variation, and wondered what it all means? What is the difference between gender identity, ...