
Search results

  1. The Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting

    submitted during this second call MUST undergo peer-review at the college or university level. Since these ...

  2. Vita Plus Dairy Nutrition and Management Fellowship

    a nutritional consultant increase as well. Their field nutritionists are highly skilled and technologically ...

  3. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium Update

    Some updates from the Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium on December 8, 2012 from Roger A. High ... the state or national level. The Flora’s and the Kark’s had been involved with the ownership, ...

  4. 2014 Academic Quadrathlon Registration Open

    2014 Academic Quadrathlon Competition Test your knowledge in Animal Science!  Compete against your ...

  5. Emotional Cues and Eating

    high-fat foods in response to emotional stress.  Many of us are programmed to turn to food for comfort at ... stored as excess fat leading to increased weight gain and health risks.  Even when you feel full, if you ...

  6. Kick it up a Notch: Next Level Management Series

    Leadership development for professionals who manage teams, departments, processes or projects.   Registration Deadline is October 3, 2019.  Contact Zac Burkey for more information. ...

  7. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  8. 2015 Livestock Judging Camp

    of their lives. The deadline for the non-refundable $50 deposit is due on May 30th, to the Ohio ...

  9. Reproductive Diagnostics Inc.

    andrology position available at Reproductive Diagnostics, Inc., a high performance lab of over 25 years, in ...

  10. Animal Science Community Alliance Leadership Opportunity

    high school seniors, and planning events to build community, like the CFAES Back 2 School Bash, you ...
