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  1. September Dairy Judging Update

    were they the 1st place team (by 36 points), they also all placed in the top 10 overall high ... team was 5th in reasons, and the “Gray” team was 4th overall, as well as being high in the Milking ...

  2. Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Carried Diseases on the Rise in Ohio

    include severe headache and high fever, then a few days later, a rash usually appears on wrists and ... from biting. Pets should be protected all year with a veterinary-prescribed product, as dogs are highly ...

  3. Dairy Youth Compete in Events During the Ohio State Fair

    Skillathon participants were tested on their knowledge of nutrition and feeds, genetics and pedigrees, ...

  4. Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak

    become contaminated. For example, if animal feces are in the field or soil in which the produce is grown, ...

  5. Insects, Weeds, and Diseases Affecting Crops Earlier This Year

    their field at any given time and they know what levels,” said Kelley Tilmon, a field crop entomologist ...

  6. Results from Ohio State Fair Dairy Cattle Skillathon

    of the Skillathon, the top ten individuals in each age category received a ribbon, and the high ...

  7. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    research on Jersey cattle and provide an opportunity for the public to view the high quality dairy cattle ...

  8. Changes in Appointment for Tim Demland

    ADADC Mid East after many months of discussion between the dairy producer leaders of the two groups. For ...

  9. Harmful Algal Blooms

    established thresholds and initiates testing when cyanobacteria are visually present in Ohio’s public waters. ...

  10. 2011 4-H Youth Programs

    level. Also, posted on the web page is the current issue of my newsletter, Bonnie’s Buckeye Moos.  It ...
