
Search results

  1. Evaluating Forage Stands After the Winter Season

    discoloration and rot in the upper taproot and crown region. Stands showing more than 50% of the plants with ... die during the growing season (between spring and fall) than during the winter. Of course, there are ...

  2. DLS Helps to DIY

    encourage him/her to reach for them, and crawl or toddle after the bubbles.  In between blows, encourage ...

  3. Introduction to Food Science Essentials (Online Course)

    technology. The course allows and encourages collaboration between participants and provides an outstanding ... September 25 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for ...

  4. Should I Sell My Development Rights?

    The Medina County issue will be the first test in Ohio to see if the public is willing to pay their ... the difference between the value for farming and the value for development. Current Agriculture Use ... Value (CAUV) is assigned to farmland in Ohio according to soil type and a rolling average of crop ...

  5. Milk Production Gains Strong- Outlook for Prices is Revised

    September 1999. This is up 3.2 percent over the previous marketing year. If we achieve this level of ... increase, this will set a record level of production for the United States! The 3.2% expansion will be the ... With this level of production expansion, and total consumption projected to increase only 2 percent, ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    since May. To estimate profitability at these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average ...

  7. Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds

    DHI are included in the table below because of the different testing options offered by DHI, some ... herds opt for no release of records, lack of sufficient number of test dates, and given that some of the ...

  8. Better Process Control School Acidified Food Only

    $500. Optional parking passes are $7.50 per day. If parking on the OSU campus, a parking pass is ... received seven days before the course date to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In ...

  9. Timing Your FY-2004 Milk Income Loss Contract Payments: What you need to know!

    prices were high enough to send the MILC payment rate into the negative zone and set payments at zero. ... payments beginning with March 2004. If you would like to work out scenarios that more closely match your ...

  10. Family and Consumer Sciences

    sciences program staff who offer county-level services, you can learn more about all OSU Extension Family ...
