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Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update
dairy youth from all areas of the State. As far as the collegiate level of judging, 5 students and ...
September is Food Safety Month
temperature “danger zone” — between 40 and 140 degrees. While it may be tempting to think that re-heating food ...
Ohio State ATI launches program in bioenergy and biological waste management
students for high-demand careers such as wastewater and drinking water treatment plant operators. Recently, ...
About Maple
When the sugar is concentrated to between 66% Brix to 68.9% Brix it is maple syrup. Nothing is added to ...
Compare Your Dairy Farm With NY Dairy Farms
operator in 1998 jumped to an all time high of $55,000. 1999 was also a very good year for many milk ...
Ohio State Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Competes at the North American International Livestock Exposition
Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...
Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Results at North American International Livestock Exposition
Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...
Ohio Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions 'Optimistic'
replanted, sometimes twice, because seeds were washed away in rain, muddied soils crusted over preventing ...
Northeast Ohio Dairy Survey Results Released
years are: feed management (57.9%), genetic improvement (50.9%), and milking herd health management ...
Milking Excellence
Systems. High quality milk is dependent upon a properly functioning milking system. The system should be ...