
Search results

  1. Brenda Metro- Food Engineering Student

    fully implemented a new sensory test, which required me to prepare numerous training documents, write ... Nestle management on many levels and with our operators. By the end of my internship, I couldn’t go ...

  2. Six Ukrainian professors observe college teaching, Extension efforts

    differences between agricultural systems in the United States and Ukraine, the fellows visited numerous ... between farms and agribusinesses that form the foundation of the U.S. food system.   Read more about the ...

  3. FABE Seminar

    on April 5 between 1:30 PM and 3 PM. I also would like to have the same room reserved from 10 AM till ...

  4. OSU team creates high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions

    high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions. NASA high-tech salad bar ...

  5. Graduate Student Organization

    Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...

  6. Master Gardener Volunteer Training

    The training is part of the 50 hours of initial education that Master Gardener Intern receive ...

  7. Information Session for Spring Break 2019 Program- Costa Rica: Sustainable Service Learning

    between the OSU and EARTH students who are from various tropical countries around the world as well as ...

  8. Information Session for Spring Break 2019 Program- Costa Rica: Sustainable Service Learning

    between the OSU and EARTH students who are from various tropical countries around the world as well as ...

  9. FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout

    "high-bay”) and high-volume grill for an end-of-the-semester celebration and cookout on Monday, April 25 from ...

  10. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    The article is the result of a collaborative project between Piermarini's laboratory, Jerod Denton's ... chemicals that will show a high potency for perturbing potassium channels in mosquitoes, but not those in humans ...
