
Search results

  1. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    environmental restoration and create win-win opportunities for regional organizations and initiatives. 8:50 a.m. ... Transition between sessions 10:45 a.m. All participants return to the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Coffee ... between academia, agency professionals, and amateur ecologists. Shelly Douglas, executive director, Green ...

  2. Kazak scholar visiting South Centers

    test kit, carbon sequestration modeling, and soil health computations using different approaches. It is ... Processes and Industrial Ecology, Satpayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, has joined the Soil, Water and ... remediation, environment and soil quality, soil analysis, and soil and environment monitoring.  During his stay ...

  3. December 2022 CFAES Connect

    row:  Heading:  There is still time to end the year on a high note Copy:  A new year is just around the ... ... =... YesCFAES Advancement ...

  4. Building a Grain Bin Dust Simulator: A model to measure workers' exposure of organic dust

    a significant health risk in agricultural environments. Exposure to grain dust can diminish lung function as ... confined spaces and are areas where farmers have high grain dust exposure. The research objectives were to: ... 1. Understand farmers' exposure level of the grain dust; and 2. Develop a Grain Dust Simulator ...

  5. Advancing environmental justice in extreme heat and adapting through collaborative networks

    increases in flood events, power outages, and heat-induced health risks 1. Cost-effective measures and ... University, will present data-driven tools for participants that bridge environmental concerns between ... the value and use of social network data in improving collaboration between environmental stakeholders ...

  6. Nutrition & Feed

    advances in feed and food production. Aquaculture is one tool that provides a high-quality, inexpensive, ...

  7. Dr. Islam presents information for a field day in Ukraine

    Recently Dr. Islam, Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program Director, gave a talk via Zoom at ... Technology, and Engineering College to learn more about the field day: More than 50 participants from ... area on an area of 50 hectares after winter barley this year grow buckwheat and wait for a pretty good ...

  8. Techno-economic analysis of a combined anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal carbonization system

    between 180°C to 260°C for 30 to 50 minutes. Parameters evaluated included temperature, time, and initial ... which can be treated by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) at high temperatures and pressures to produce ... for soil amendment through a combined AD-HTC system. HTC of digestate from sewage sludge was conducted ...

  9. Don't Hurry Into Hemp

    a correlation between the moisture content and the CDB and THC levels. “As the moisture goes down, the ... percent, making them unsellable. The same relationship between moisture and CBD/THC levels also held true ... a new industry in the state. However, factors such as the high cost of planting and harvesting the crop, ...

  10. South Centers welcomes Piketon vo-ag students

    By Bradford Sherman South Centers/CFAES Piketon High School vocational agricultural students paid ... production, tabletop-grown and high tunnel strawberries, hops, and more. Easily the most popular attraction ...
