
Search results

  1. Getting past pasteurization: consider high-pressure processing of dairy foods and beverages

    industry has employed time-tested and validated thermal pasteurization and sterilization technologies to ... would like to have. High-pressure-based technologies have the potential to preserve natural freshness as ...

  2. Co-op gift funds food-based cancer research

    for food-related cancer research and are split between OSUCCC – James and Ohio State’s Center for ...

  3. CFAES’ Cooperstone recognized for research that improves tomato nutrition

    farmers, consumers, and everyone in between,” Cooperstone said. New Innovators are selected based on ...

  4. November 2018 Highlights

    with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets ... foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of both parties and the ...

  5. Meet CranChee: OSU Students Win Ocean Spray Contest

    able to use the pilot plant for production. We had a hard time gathering people to do sensory tests ... reliance on in-person sensory tests,” said Yucheng. Unphased by the pandemic, the team’s innovative ...

  6. October 2020 Department Highlights

    titled “Risk Factors for Salmonella Contamination in Poultry Products Following Changes in U.S. Oversight ...

  7. June 2020 Highlights

    coauthored by FST research scientist Dr. Kara Morgan titled "Assessing the Risks and Benefits of ...

  8. $100,000 gift to CFAES to support food safety

    risk-based food safety system that prevents foodborne illnesses and protects public health by translating ...

  9. FST Special Edition Newsletter- 2021 Spring Graduation

    classes made up this academic year. Masks, social distancing, COVID testing, and vaccinations became part ...

  10. Dr. Brian Waters Earns NACTA Educator Award

    postsecondary level. Members of NACTA are from two-year and four-year colleges, public and private. ...
