
Search results

  1. Come to the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair!

    about soil and the environment with displays on soil profiles, and stream testing.  Check out the NRCS ... a cool 4-H robotics demonstration. There will be canner testing to ensure your canning equipment will ... rd  -  Have fun with Butler County Soil and Water Conservation District Day at the Farm Zone.  Learn ...

  2. ACEL alumni board announces 2021 awards

    Farr graduated with a degree in agricultural education in 1992. She taught high school agricultural ... with Norwayne High School and has willingly hosted Ohio State’s agriscience education students for ... a vocational agricultural teacher at a high school in Colorado. Bruce Zimmer earned a master’s degree in ...

  3. Preventing Heat Stress Illness

    hazards. Working long hours in higher temperatures or non – shaded areas increase the risk of a heat stress ... during hot weather is the heat index. The heat index is a single value that takes both temperature and ... signs and symptoms of heat stress.- Avoid foods that are high in protein. These foods increase ...

  4. 2022 Student Teacher Placements Announced

    an agricultural educator and will spend the first few days of the academic year in their high school ... Student teaching placements for 2022 include: Gabby Adair,  Mt. Vernon High School with Stephanie Plumly ... Maryellen Bliss,  Westfall High School with Rachel Scior Dakota Brame, Logan High School with Andrew DeLong ...

  5. Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!

    Mary Ann Rose, Pesticide Safety Education With the arrival of summer, the risk of heat stress ... increases.  Farmers have an elevated risk of heat stress for obvious reasons – working outdoors.  Activities that ... require protective clothing, such as pesticide application, further increase the risk.    Heat stress is ...

  6. Good Agricultural Practices

    two primary benefits: 1) Reduce the risk that a foodborne disease outbreak will originate on the farm ... University GAPS are a series of voluntary management guidelines that can help to reduce the risks of ...

  7. Balancing Your Health and the Spring To-Do List

    medium sized farms these tasks are commonly placed on the shoulders of a few individuals. With less labor ...

  8. Get All Your HACCP and FSMA Training Needs at Once!

    a Food Safety Plan to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods ...

  9. Dressing for Cold Weather

    conditions can be dangerous and precautions should be taken to minimize the risk injuries like frostbite or ... selected to suit the temperature, weather conditions (e.g., wind speed, rain), the level and duration of ...

  10. Hay Baler Safety

    most common bale ejecting or throwing mechanisms are hydraulically powered, high speed belts and ... is risk for workers being struck by a bale as it is ejected, or by the throwing frame and pan if ...
