
Search results

  1. Cover Crop Soil Health Workshop

    Farmers will have the opportunity to learn about cover crops and soil health in an all day ... include ECO Farming, Ecological Farming Practices, Soil Ecology & Nutrient Recycling, Biology of Soil ... Compaction, Soil Demonstrations, Keeping Nutrients out of Surface Water, Economics of Cover Crops, Using the ...

  2. DLS Helps to DIY

    encourage him/her to reach for them, and crawl or toddle after the bubbles.  In between blows, encourage ...

  3. Farmland Succession Workshop

    and risk •How to establish a Family “Farm Operating Agreement with your children •How to create money ...

  4. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: What's that Weed?

    doesn’t when it comes to managing weeds and reasons why. Then test your knowledge for a hands-on ...

  5. DLS Helps to DIY

    from the great outdoors which can strongly improve both mood and energy levels.  Considering that, lets ...

  6. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    daily.  I plant mine in 14-inch clay pots because these geraniums grow large. I use fresh potting soil ... the soil on top is dry to the touch. Stressing them slightly by watering only after the soil has dried ... them in a row, and I only plant ones with red blooms.  These large plants often grow 18 inches high and ...

  7. OSU Extension to Host Annie’s Project

    operations may sign up for Annie's Project, a multi-part risk-management course offered by Ohio State ... focuses on five broad aspects of risk management typical in the agricultural setting:  human, financial, ...

  8. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    appreciates a dry sunny location and does well in our alkaline soil. The flower clusters are bright orange to ... the soil is not wet. If you buy live plants from a nursery, try to get small ones as larger plants are ... are held upright on the plant. This is a good plant for wet, even mucky, clay soil if there is ...

  9. 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Workshop

    Ohio 4-H offers a variety of awards and opportunities at the county, state, and national levels ...

  10. Farm Day 2017

    practices, and much more! This event is free. Please call Butler Soil and Water Conservation District ...
