
Search results

  1. College Savings Options

    amount of education debt in 2018, among those with any outstanding balances, was between $20,000 and ... $1,000 catch-up for account owners over age 50, for a total of $6,500. Contribution limit phases out for ... contribution to an IRA is $5,500 per person, with an additional $1,000 catch-up for account owners over age 50 ...


    of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES) program. The contest includes three portions: ... participating twice a year with the Crops and Soils Club, her scores greatly improved. She said, “It was fun to ... Crops and Soils Club was travel! Ashley has been to Utah, Iowa, Maryland, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, ...

  3. Sustainable Fertilizers for Containerized Floriculture Crops

    the result of a high-quality compost process. When applied to substrates, these products are degraded ... influence nutrient availability. In fact, temperature and water availability are crucial: soils that are too ... levels above acceptable levels making electrical conductivity (EC) monitoring very important. Numerous ...

  4. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Preferred soil pH: 6.0–7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop triticale. Heat tolerance Good Drought ... (pure live seed) Broadcast without incorporation 50–90 lb./acre (pure live seed) Additional planting ... Performance Dry matter = 2,000–5,000 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent on ...

  5. Pigweed Identification Guide

    distributed hair on the stem and a more highly branched flower. Pigweed species inhabit agronomic crop fields, ... are between 2 and 3 inches in height, and many herbicide labels require control by 4–6 inches in ... distinguishing between these species (Figures 1 and 2). Reproductive Stages and Life Cycles Reproductive ...

  6. Short Season Corn vs. Commonly Grown Corn Hybrid Maturities for Planting in Ohio

    comparisons denote the difference between tested variables (first named minus second named). An asterisk ... between tested variables (first named minus second named). An asterisk denotes significance at P < ... increase across all tested hybrids (Figures 3 and 4). Harvest grain moisture levels of several 96–100 ...

  7. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    sites showed both SARS-CoV-2 RNA (Hale et al. 2022), and between 6–40% of the deer had antibodies to the ... hunters should be aware of the possible risk of white-tailed deer COVID-19 transmission to humans. ... reduce your risk of coming into contact with pathogens transmitted through respiratory droplets. ...

  8. Jason Hartschuh

    CCA Precision Livestock Farming; Dairy Facility Design; Dairy Risk Management 1165 County Road 43, ...

  9. Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering

    Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, with priority based on concentration of study in Bioevironmental, Soil ... Income provides scholarships for qualified and deserving Ohio high school students desiring to study ... receives the highest grade in the design course in soil and water conservation engineering. Ted and Karen ...

  10. Club & Organization Resources

    advisors. In order to maintain communication between club members, advisors, and the Student Activities ...
