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Soil Carbon Sequestration—Fundamentals
accomplished by management systems that add high amounts of biomass to the soil, cause minimal soil ... with a longer and drier growing season. The soil organic matter content may decline, increasing risks ... breakdown of soil aggregates accelerates erosion. A soil with high organic matter is more productive than ...
Floriculture Crop Seed Quality and Seed-Handling
6.40 7.68 8.96 30 4.61 6.14 7.68 9.22 10.75 Take-Home Message Number 1: Use High-quality Seeds and ... germination problems. But having seeds of high germination percentage is no guarantee of a good crop of ... conditions and age of the seeds. Seed laboratories can use different tests to determine seed vigor: Cold ...
Cowpea as a Cover Crop in Ohio
to climbing growth habit Preferred soil pH: 5.5–6.5 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop cowpea. ... Excellent Winter survival Winter-killed Planting Drilled at 1–1½ inches 50–90 lb./acre (pure live seed) ... = 2,500–4,500 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent on planting/termination dates and ...
Field Pea/Winter Pea as a Cover Crop in Ohio
growth habit that can spread 2–4 feet Preferred soil pH: 6.0–7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop ... based on specific variety Planting Drilled at 1–1½ inches 50–80 lb./acre (pure live seed) Broadcast with ... Additional planting information: 1,800 seeds per lb. (highly variable; adjust seeding rate accordingly) ...
Corn Silage Ear Rot and Foliar Disease Management
a high disease pressure with DON levels as high as 17.9 ppm in one hybrid and 30.3 ppm in the other ... leaf spot is favored by warm temperatures between 70 and 90°F and high relative humidity. Northern corn ... nutritionists encouraging levels below 1 ppm in corn utilized in the lactating ration. Fungicides may have the ...
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive
a wide variety of sites including nutrient- poor soils. They are among the first plants to leaf out in ... forests or wet soils. Identification The most prominent characteristic of both species is the silvery ... viable in the soil for approximately three years. Twigs Silvery or golden brown, scaly when young, often ...
Controlled-Release Fertilizers in the Production of Container-Grown Floriculture Crops
a 20–10–20 water-soluble fertilizer at an application rate of 150 ppm N (left), or a 16–9–12 ... rates, release by shorter longevity CRFs (e.g., 3–4 month) may result in excessively high salt levels ... acidic fertilizers to compensate for high alkalinity levels in the irrigation water need to adjust the ...
Martin receives Odum Award from AEES
stakeholder groups to investigate connections between downstream water quality and management practices in ...
Establishing Early Successional Habitat for Wildlife
the area to plant, take a soil sample to determine present nutrient levels and the need for additional ... establishment and growth. If your soil test indicates a need for lime, apply it before the soil is tilled so it ... applied at planting based on soil test recommendations. Nitrogen (N) should not be applied at planting ...
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2017-18
land with highly productive soils. Average land will typically be the majority of land in a given ... quality soils translate into higher rents. Fertility Levels: Higher fertility levels often result in ... variability of those crop returns. Soils and drainage capabilities are the two factors that most influence ...