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  1. Partners gather for Trimble Technologies Lab ribbon cutting

    such as machine guidance control and steering in the classroom, as well as field leveling and water ...

  2. Meet Lorrayne Miralha: New FABE Faculty Member

    a non-traditional family as far as education goes, so after high school, she worked different jobs. "Because of ... my English skills, I started doing freelance jobs for oil companies after high school, and at one of ... English test, passed, and began the second half of her undergraduate career at Oregon State University ...

  3. Partners Gather to Kickoff Pilot Watershed Project

    quality changes in a productive agricultural watershed. The project will evaluate soil health, nutrient ... Bowling Green State University will lead research to examine soil health in the watershed and identify ... project.  Doug Deardorff,  resource conservationist with Hardin Soil and Water Conversation District serves ...

  4. Puskas receives Ohio State Accelerator Award for novel technology commercialization

    State University into the marketplace. It provides grants of up to $150,000 to support external ... validation and de-risking activities to demonstrate commercial viability of a technology with the intent to ... performing more of this work prior to a license agreement, we hope to increase the value and level of startup ...

  5. Cultivate ’23 International Experience

    strong international representation, with 50 countries represented, including a group of international ...

  6. Veggies & More Tour

    2023 Veggies and More Tour  Join us at Flying High Access Food Greenhouse at the Mahoning County ... trained Master Gardener Volunteers to learn about growing practices, helpful tips, soils, organic ...

  7. Cultivate ’23 International Experience

    strong international representation, with 50 countries represented, including a group of international ...

  8. Drewry Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award

    STEM at the high school level. The “ Land-Atmosphere Coupling and Feedback in the Context of Climate ... project, titled: “Land-Atmosphere Coupling and Feedback in the Context of Climate Change,” is a highly ... the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences. The project dives into the interactions between ...

  9. June and July 2023 Highlights

    high-pressure processing. Dr. Christopher Simons was a guest of Ohio State’s INSPIRE podcast on the topic of ... award recognizes and celebrates graduate student success in publishing high quality research in a timely ... concepts of the High Temperature Short Time (HTST) and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) pasteurization systems. ...

  10. Food Science and Technology Awarded Good-to-Great Grant

    Growing Ohio State’s Meteorology Research, Education and Outreach: A High Impact Investment Investment in ... funding for two new faculty members, strengthening partnerships between the two departments and across the ...
